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6 Ways to Boost Your Immunity and Stay Healthy

19 February 2020

Following a balanced diet and regular exercise are tried-and-tested methods for staying in tip-top condition. To further strengthen your immune system, you can also incorporate these 6 holistic practices into your daily lifestyle.

1. Keep the air around you clean

In enclosed air-conditioned spaces where airflow is limited, there is a higher tendency for impurities to circulate. Breathe better by eliminating the amount of micro-organisms, pollutants, dust and other allergens in the air, with a purifier that uses a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter. These can remove at least 99.97 per cent of airborne microbes that are 0.3 microns or larger. In places you spend a lot of time in, like your bedroom or living room, the Trusens Z-2000 Air Purifier with Sensorpod comes with a remote sensor you can place at a distance to ensure the entire space has an optimal amount of clean air.

Alternatively, consider a portable air purifier like the BetterAir Biologic, a USB rechargeable device which can clean spaces of up to 30 square metres - ideal for cars, office cubicles or hotel rooms when you travel.

2. Practise good hygiene

It is also important to practise maximum standards of personal hygiene like covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. One of the ways to prevent the spread of germs is to regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitiser, such as Duft & Doft’s Sophy Soapy Hand Sanitiser, instead. It uses natural ingredients which is suitable for those with sensitive skin and contains hospital-grade antiseptic ingredients such as benzalkonium chloride and ethanol for effective disinfection. 

3. Supplement your diet with vitamins

The best way to keep your body’s natural defences up is to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. However, if you are lacking in some nutrients, consider taking a vitamin supplement. A daily multivitamin contains a range of essential vitamins and minerals for all-round support. Or focus on the immunity boosting Vitamin C to keep colds and flu at bay. Do stay sufficiently hydrated too.

4. Relieve symptoms of sore throat with honey

Honey is a rich source of antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. If you are feeling the onset of a sore throat or a dry cough, nip these symptoms in the bud with a propolis and manuka honey throat spray or manuka lozenges. For general health, you can add manuka honey to food and drinks such as toast, cereal or tea. You can even enjoy 1 to 2 tablespoons, neat.

5. Boost your well-being with essential oils

For a holistic approach to enhance your well-being, consider using essential oils such as tea tree, eucalyptus or peppermint oil. Some oils have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and are helpful in easing conditions like a blocked or runny nose. Simply add a few drops of essential oils you like to a diffuser and breathe deep to soothe your nasal passages.

6. Have a good night’s rest

Do not underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep in staying strong, as this is when your body naturally repairs itself. To ease yourself into a sound slumber, create a simple routine to help you unwind both physically or mentally. For instance, sip a calming tea or listen to a soothing podcast or music before bedtime. Or roll on some lavender sleep balm on your wrists and temples and inhale the calming scent to help you relax. Just in case an occasional bout of insomnia prevents you from getting shut-eye, a natural melatonin supplement can also aid in establishing healthy sleep patterns.

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