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7 Stay Home Activities to Enhance Your Well-Being

27 April 2020

Mindful self-care practices that you can incorporate into your daily stay home routine.

To reduce the spread of coronavirus, many people around the world are doing their part by staying home and only going outdoors for essential activities. However, being cooped up in one place for extended lengths of time can be stressful and may affect one’s psychological well-being. This is why it is important to stay positive and mentally resilient.

Here are some ideas you can incorporate into your daily life to help you keep calm and carry on at home.

Listen to classical music

If you can’t stop your mind from racing a mile a minute with the constant coronavirus related updates, consider listening to classical music to quieten your inner mental chatter. Studies have found that classical music that has a regular rhythm and low pitch, such as pieces by famous composers including Bach or Mozart are particularly effective in relieving anxiety and encouraging relaxation.

If you are new to classical music, this helpful playlist is a good starting point. So, put on your headphones, tune in to your favourite calming classical music playlists and quieten your mind.

Indulge in a creative hobby

While staying at home, it can be beneficial to keep your mind engaged by flexing your creativity to express yourself. Perhaps you used to have a hobby that you have neglected, like writing in a journal, painting a picture or playing a musical instrument - use this opportunity to rediscover the joy of an artistic pursuit.

This is also a good time to pick up something new, whether it is trying out a new recipe, calligraphy, sewing or scrapbooking. Plus, that sense of achievement you will feel when you complete a project is unbeatable!

Stay connected digitally

Sociable individuals who are accustomed to surrounding themselves with friends and family may feel especially lonely these days. But with modern technology, you can still stay connected even while you’re at home.

Plan video calls and organise fun activities such as online movie nights or board game dates with close friends and family to spend time together. If dining out is a favourite past time, you can still continue with happy hour by making your own cocktails or support your favourite local F&B provider by ordering in a delicious ready-cooked meal so you can enjoy a feast with your loved ones via video calls.

Or, if someone you are close to is feeling down, you could brighten up their day by sending them a thoughtful gift or their favourite food!

Repay your sleep debt

If you tend to have a busy schedule, this homebound period is ideal for catching up on much needed rest.

Avoid watching television or using your devices right before bedtime as such activities may keep your mind active, making it harder to fall asleep later on. It also helps to create a conducive environment in your room to get in the mood with dim mood lighting and essential oils or a pillow mist.

Plus, now that you probably have some extra time at home, take this opportunity to create a soothing end-of-day ritual you can look forward to indulging in. Pampering yourself with self-care activities, like brewing and sipping a cup of chamomile tea, enjoying a DIY beauty treatment like a face mask or body scrub or taking a warm soak in the bath with scented bath salts can help with relaxing your mind before bedtime.

Read a book

Another aspect of psychological self-care involves staying mentally engaged. Instead of spending hours reading news and social media updates, especially if you tend to be a worrier, divert your attention by burying yourself in a good book.

Pick a novel with an engaging plot line, to “travel” to a different world. Or, you can also expand your knowledge base by reading a non-fiction book. Either way, you will feel refreshed. To get you started on a journey into your imagination and a world of new knowledge, here are some recommended reads to occupy your time at home.

Stay active at home

The importance of looking after your physical health cannot be overstated but did you know exercise also releases endorphins - the body’s feel-good hormones - to keep your spirits up.  

Many gyms and exercise studios may have closed temporarily to comply with safe distancing measures, but you can still keep fit within your own home. No matter what your favourite style of workout is - whether it is HIIT, yoga or Zumba – you can exercise along online fitness videos or virtual classes and live stream workouts that some studios or instructors are providing.

You can also rent a stationary bike for cardio activity or increase the intensity of your exercise by using common household objects like cans of food, water bottles or backpacks filled with heavy books as weights. If you are used to exercising in a group, set up a livestream and get a few friends to participate for mutual support.

And if you are working from home, even though you no longer have to walk to the office pantry to refill your water bottle or go to the toilet as an “excuse” for a break, it is still important to keep moving throughout the day. Walk around your house at regular intervals and do simple stretches to loosen tight muscles. The improved blood circulation will keep you feeling more alert and less fatigued.

Do housework with intention

Usually, doing housework can seem tiresome but for now, with everybody spending most of their time at home, it can be helpful to look at your daily chores from a different perspective. Think of it as giving your home a much needed Marie Kondo-style decluttering session and make use of the time at home to clear out old, unwanted items that are taking up too much space - both mentally and physically.

In a similar vein, you can treat regular chores like vacuuming or dishwashing as a chance to create a more conducive home environment for yourself and your family. To perk up your mood, why not play your favourite music to put a spring in your step. Best of all, the calories burnt while housekeeping certainly counts as exercise too!

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