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Can’t find your flight in the list? Find out why.
The pre-order service for inflight delivery can be made up to 60 days in advance for the following flights:
- Singapore Airlines flights departing Singapore, except flights to Malaysia (at least 60 minutes prior to flight departure)
- Selected Singapore Airlines flights arriving into Singapore (at least 72 hours prior to flight departure)
- Scoot flights departing Singapore, except flights to Jeddah (at least 48 hours prior to flight departure)
Find out more on pre-order service for inflight delivery.

Clear Delivery Shopping Bag

Clear Delivery Shopping Bag
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Not all flights are eligible for pre-order More Infos
Which flights are eligible for inflight delivery?
The pre-order service for inflight delivery can be made up to 60 days in advance for the following flights:
- Singapore Airlines flights departing Singapore, except flights to Malaysia (at least 60 minutes prior to flight departure)
- Selected Singapore Airlines flights arriving into Singapore (at least 72 hours prior to flight departure)
- Scoot flights departing Singapore except flights to Jeddah (at least 48 hours prior to flight departure)