Bottega has a history of four centuries in the world of wine and grappa. Since the 17th century, when our ancestors cultivated the vine as tenant farmers, up to now, with Bottega wines, grappa and liquors being appreciated all over the world thanks to the passion of the family and to the innovative, original elements of the recipes.
From the vineyard to the bottle, each moment of product creation is monitored with artisan care and attention to detail. We choose simple, natural flavors connected with the territory. Artisan style and the connection with the territory make Bottega products unique and unrepeatable elsewhere.
At Bottega we are inspired every day by the 17 principles for sustainable development set out by the United Nations; through the usage of sustainable resources, recycling and organic farming, we are defined as a Green Company and have been using the GREENER logo since 2015.
Sustainability is the key word for future development: our geothermal energy leads to yearly savings of 756 tons of CO2 per annum; 5 million liters of water are saved for each distillation year thanks to our recirculation system. By joining the RafCycle Program, 50 tonnes of waste are recycled each year; we only use water-based varnish for our metallized bottles. Moreover, we only choose eco-materials for our packaging by using at least 50% recycled glass for our dark bottles and only FSC Mix certified cartons.