Terms and Conditions for the KrisShopper Complimentary Tier Upgrade for KrisFlyer UOB Cardmembers
Last updated: 20 November 2024
1. This KrisShopper Tier Upgrade Offer (“Promotion”) is organised by KrisShop Pte. Ltd (“KrisShop”).
2. This Promotion will be carried out from 1 February 2023 (0000 hrs Singapore time) to 25 March 2024 (2359 hrs Singapore time) (“Promotion Period”) and is open to all KrisFlyer UOB Credit Cardmembers (collectively, “eligible UOB Singapore Airlines Cards”) who are new to KrisShopper (each, a “Qualifying UOB Cardmember”). For the avoidance of doubt, a Qualifying UOB Cardmember is a part of the KrisFlyer programme but not a part of the KrisShopper programme.
3. In order to qualify for the Promotion, Qualifying UOB Cardmembers must satisfy all of the following conditions:
(a) complete and register to KrisShopper via the UOB KrisShopper Registration Form; and
(b) check the first checkbox in the KrisShopper Registration Form (“Promo Prerequisites”).
4. During the Promotion Period, those who successfully satisfy all conditions in Clause 3 above may be awarded a complimentary membership tier upgrade for KrisShopper within 3 months from the month that they signed-up for KrisShopper based on the eligible KrisFlyer UOB Card they hold as follows:
Eligible KrisFlyer UOB Card
| KrisShopper membership tier to be upgraded to
KrisFlyer UOB Credit Card
| Insider
5. The KrisShopper membership tier awarded to you under this Promotion is valid for a 12-months’ period commencing from the month of award (“Tier Upgrade Period”). For the avoidance of doubt, this Promotion will not affect your aggregate Eligible Spending which will continue to start from S$0.
6. At the end of the Tier Upgrade Period, if you have not achieved the applicable Eligible Spending requirements for your membership tier in accordance with the table set forth here during the Tier Upgrade Period, you will be downgraded to the relevant membership tier.
7. For illustration purposes:
- (a) a Qualifying UOB Cardmember holding a KrisFlyer UOB Credit Card who completes and submits the KrisShopper Registration Form on 22 February 2023 will be upgraded to KrisShopper Insider tier by 31 May 2023.
- (b) The KrisShopper Insider status will be valid till 31 May 2024, after which the KrisShopper may be downgraded to a lower tier after the Tier Upgrade Period if the KrisShopper did not hit the minimum spending requirement corresponding to each tier.
- (c) For instance, the KrisShopper will be downgraded to KrisShopper Member tier if they do not hit the minimum requirement spend of S$5,000 for KrisShopper Insider tier during the Tier Upgrade Period.
8. "Eligible Spending” means the nett purchase amount, excluding vouchers, discounts, taxes, delivery fees, import duties and postal clearance charges (applicable for home delivery and varying between countries). KrisFlyer miles, including KrisFlyer miles earned under the KrisShopper programme, are only earned from Eligible Spending.
In the process of linking your KrisFlyer account to KrisShopper via submission of the KrisShopper Registration Form above, you have acknowledged that you have read and accepted the KrisShopper Terms and Conditions. The earning and redeeming of KrisFlyer miles are subject to KrisFlyer Terms and Conditions, KrisShopper Terms and Conditions, UOB Terms and Conditions governing KrisFlyer UOB Credit Card and KrisFlyer UOB Accounts and Services.